Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Chair Was Shaking and Everybody Felt It

 My chair shook. Then it shook again. Earthquake!! I was freaked out! Then again. Oh dear! Is the sky falling? One of my first actions after was to post it on facebook. Instantly status after status was being posted by my friends about this earthquake. I was really scared...well not as much scared as just shocked. (not really shocked either but i can't find the word) Our friends James and John, sensing that i was kinda scared asked me what bands i listened to. Confused, I said "Umm...Casting Crowns" Then they started blaring out the words to "I'm a Believer" by SmashMouth and i had to laugh.  More later, Mercy
  • just felt an earthquake just now!!! my chair just shook...oh my goodness. In Chaing Mai Thailand. Did anyone feel it too??
    2 hours ago ·  ·  · 
      • Mercy Robinson nope, it was just a tremour. but it did scare me! :)
        about an hour ago · 
      • Sheila Gingerich no doubt! so glad it wasnt worse:)
        about an hour ago · 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that was fun! Glad you're back to work on your blog! Good luck! :D
